Roots of Bitterness
There is a topic that I have been thinking on for some time. Every so often God would remind me or prompt me on this but it isn’t an easy subject so I would often brush it off…until the next time! However, it is something that I began to see so often that I began to think on it, ponder on it and wonder why there seems to be so much of it around…the thing I have been seeing in so many places, both in the church and the world is bitterness. Hebrews 12:15 in the passion translation says; What I sense in the spirit I have been seeing is roots of bitterness taking hold in the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike. I have seen people bitter towards · People who have hurt them · People who have been hurt · People who try to love them · People with differing opinions to them. It has broken my heart to see people using p...