Dream Big
Sometimes God wants us to hear a message from him so much
that he will use people around us to hammer the message home, and this week,
God has certainly been trying to talk to me as I have heard the same message
four times from completely unrelated people!
Last week, a couple of the officers (ministers) from a
Salvation Army church in South Wales came to spend the day with us. They came
to see what takes place in the church my husband and I are officers at, and to
discuss some of the ways we deal with the challenges we face. Our friend’s
corps is very similar to ours and we had a lovely morning discussing how God is
transforming lives and making messy situations clean again.
But what really struck me was their big God-inspired vision.
Even though the vision was costly (both financially and personally they were
making giant leaps of faith and God was honouring them. As I sat and listened
to their passion and enthusiasm, I felt God say to me “Dream big.” This really
challenged me, but as so often is the case, life got in the way and the message
was forgotten.
A couple of days later, I was sat having a cuppa with a
lovely, prophetic woman of God in our church, and she said that God had been
speaking about vision and dreaming big! (I’m not sure if they were her exact
words…but you get it…dream big!) I shared with her what God had told me days
before and started to ponder what this may mean.
Over the weekend another member of the corps, over a cup of
coffee, and in the middle of a completely irrelevant conversation, turned to me
and said ‘Alice, you need to dream big, you never know how God will answer your
prayers and make it happen.’
Then the very next day a key leader in our corps (church)
turned to me in conversation and said ‘We need to start dreaming big’
In our church, this is something God is really challenging us
about at the moment. Sometimes we can become so wound up in issues such as
finance, numbers and manpower that we don’t dream big. We lose our faith in
the fact God is bigger than it all as we try and work our our big dreams in
earthly terms. There is a verse that I come back to so often when I find myself in this mind
For me, on a very personal note, this has become a huge challenge
for me. As I considered this in my own personal and spiritual life I came to
realise that there are big dreams that I have put in a jar and locked away.
Dreams that I struggle to believe will come to fruition, dreams that are simply
too painful to recall and dreams that the devil has told me that I will never see come to fruition, and foolishly I have believed him!
Today I am flinging the lids off those jars and I am placing
my big dreams in the hands of the one who can make it all happen.
There are some exciting times ahead. God is leading me in
some new direction in my ministry and I cannot wait. So friends, today I say
dream big! Dust off those forgotten dreams and dare to dream them again...
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