Finding your tribe
I have seen lots of posts on social media recently about finding your tribe, posts like this one:
Being completely honest it has challenged me. Through our four and a half year journey through infertility I have lost many friends, distancing myself from people in order to numb the pain, hiding behind the shame that I may never be ‘good enough to be a mum’ rather than being vulnerable with the people who knew me best. I’m sure many people in similar situations can identify.
Recently God has been really speaking to me about community and has started to point out to me exactly who my ‘tribe’ is. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 (the passion translation) says:
'He has done this intentionally so that every member would look after the others with mutual concern, and so that there will be no division in the body. In that way, whatever happens to one member happens to all. If one suffers, everyone suffers. If one is honoured, everyone rejoices.'
As I started looking around me I started to see those people who shared in my sufferings, who pray through my bad times, not always know why I’m struggling and who rejoice in every victory along the way, whether huge or small.
Through speaking out and reaching out in the ttc (trying to conceive) community I have found many of my tribe. I have a wonderful bunch of prayer partners from all over the world who I regularly chat to, pray with and do life together. It’s bizarre as I probably will never meet a lot of them (although I had the pleasure of meeting one prayer sister) but they play such a large role in my life and journey with the Lord. I have also met some wonderful women from events in the uk that I have been to both speaking at and attending, they have been such a great encouragement to me. I have also found that in sharing my story, old friends who understand and may get it because they feel it too, have become new friends and distant friends have become close friends.
So today my encouragement to that person who is reading this and feeling utterly alone is, take a step of faith and find your tribe. Look for those people who will support you in prayer, hold you accountable and share in all the ups and downs in life. If you, like me are praying for your miracle baby, then I have three fab things to suggest.
1. If you live in the North West, This Saturday, 17th February, a group of women are meeting at the StoryHouse in Crosby, Merseyside. It’s very informal and you already know someone who Is going…me! For more information check out their Facebook page.
2. There is a great group of supportive ladies over at the moms in the making group on Facebook. There are so many ways you can engage including an amazing new online support group that runs twice monthly. It does mean being up at 1:30am to chat to America because of the time difference, however it is so so worth it!! For more information take a look here: moms in the making
3. I would love to pray with you, send you snail mail, meet with you and become a member of your tribe! You can contact me through the blog or click on my Instagram on the right hand side of the screen. I would love to walk alongside you on your journey.
As Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says:
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”
Community is so important! We have been ttc for three years this month, and in that time span we have also lived in three different towns. I've met so many people along the way who have been an amazing support, and I don't know how I could keep going without them. Opening up to others is so worth it.
ReplyDeleteYes! Yes! Yes! It's so important to find people who understand. We were never meant to walk this journey alone. I am so thankful Moms in the Making has helped you connect to so many amazing women who just understand (I am a fellow member too!!)
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes!! Love all of this! I have found this to be 100% true. I also am in MITM the Facebook community. What's your Instagram and I'll add You? (I am viewing this on my phone and it's not showing the sidebars.)