Reflections on Women And God Weekend

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending and serving on the team for Women and God weekend (or WAG weekend!). This is a weekend conference run by The Salvation Army with 300 women of all ages learning what it means to live a life sold out for God… And what an amazing weekend it was

For me the weekend was full of service, ministry, knock-you-off-your-feet God moments and coffee! On Friday morning before the ladies arrived, we took time to pray over names, situations and words from God, and this set the tone for the spirit-filled weekend ahead.  

I had also been asked to lead a seminar/workshop on the Saturday afternoon entitled ‘Grace Through Adversity.’ Based on Psalm 34, we talked about the importance of sharing our stories of how God has moved in our times of difficulty. I took some time to share my story of grace through adversity and my walk through infertility. We had a chance to reflect on those things we have been through. We shared Isaiah 61:3 and exchanged our ashes (written on wooden hearts) for beauty (the word of God.) 

It was a beautiful afternoon. I had joked that my mum would be the only person to turn up. It was said in jest, but it really was a fear of mine. However, I was overwhelmed by the number of people who turned up and the stories that were shared with me throughout the weekend. 

The weekend really blew me away. I couldn’t understand how little old me could be used to speak into the lives of such beloved women of God. The I realised it wasn’t little old me, it was big old God drawing close to those women who have sought Grace through adversity, 
and it was him who was telling them that they wouldn’t be defeated by what they face. I was 
reminded of one of the verse we had looked at in the seminar from psalm 34:

‘The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain and he is always ready to restore the repentant one. Even when bad things happen to the good and Godly one, the Lord will save them and not let the by defeated by what they face.’ 

My time spent with these lovely women was so blessed and through it I saw chains broken, testimonies  shared and I got to make some great new friends! 

The weekend was utterly exhausting but overwhelmingly amazing, and throughout week, as I have been recalling conversations with people and wonderful moments, my heart isbursting with thanks and praise. 

As I was writing this post I opened my bible (the passion translation of course!) and I found my ‘price tag’ given at the weekend, on it was written:

“My passion is to be consumed with him” Philippians 3:9 
This is my own prayer from the weekend, and I pray that it will be the prayer of every WAG as they reflect on the weekend


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