My Word for the Year and how God spoke to me through Mr Tumble!!
Last year I was given the word Joy! What a word! I created a piece of folded book art with the word so I wouldn’t lose sight of it. I looked at exactly what biblical joy meant and in the season we were in, it was a word of hope I clung to waiting for my miracle.
Looking back on my year it has been jam-packed with joy. There have been moments of overwhelming joy- the kind that takes your breath away and brings to your eyes, and there have been moments of choosing deep joy that goes beyond circumstance and rests on his word.
With all this in mind, I have been praying into a word for the coming year. I am always amazed at the way God speaks to me, sometimes it is deeply profound…other times it makes me laugh out loud. This was a lol moment.
Hubby and I have recently adopted our beautiful baby daughter and with that has come a major life change. My TV watching has gone from gritty dramas to little baby bum’s lullabies!! Her favourite program is Mr Tumble and it was through Mr Tumble that God spoke to me! Mr Tumble has a few catchphrases and songs and one of them he says quite
often is ‘wait’ in a funny voice. As Mr Tumble shouted wait I felt God tell me that this was my word for the year! I questioned the fact that he was talking to me through Mr Tumble and he reminded me of occasions with talking donkeys and such!
As I pondered on the word – wait – I got more and more confused. I had just been in a period f waiting for over five years and have only just received my miracle – surely I should be done waiting! Waiting is hard – and I wasn’t sure what exactly God wanted me to wait for next.
As I continued to contemplate where God may be leading me, he started to remind me of the blessings that had been showered on me in my time of waiting. He showed me firm friendships made, encourage to I had been able to give others, the book I have written that is to be published on 2019 and more importantly the life changing word that was revealed.
I was then reminded of Isaiah 40:29-31
‘ He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might he increases strength.
Even the youth shall faint and be weary
And the young man shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint’
The word for this year doesn’t mean wait in isolation, like one waiting for a doctor, but means waiting on God in this brand new season of life. It means not forgetting to wait on him even though the time of ‘waiting’ may be over.
I am excited to study his word and see how this word is woven into my life in the coming year
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