5 things I have learnt through my 5+ years of infertility

A few months ago our lives were turned upside down (in an utterly gorgeous and beautifully fulfilling way) when finally, after over five years of praying, waiting and believing we brought our beautiful adopted daughter home to her forever family.

It has taken me  a while to get used to the title of ‘mum’ and to realise that those aisles in the supermarket that were once too painful to walk down are now the ones I frequent the most! 

Having now settled down with miracle I have begun to ponder some of the things that God has taught me through our journey to grow our family. They are lessons that I am still learning daily and there are burdens that are still very real. I am painfully aware that 
although I now have the most perfect little poppet to call me mum, I have never seen a positive pregnancy test, never given birth to a baby and I’m still know as someone with unexplained infertility. 

Over the next few week I would love to share 5 things that I have learnt through this time. There are things that could help many people in many different situations and I pray it will bless you in some way. It also helps me share my testimony of how God has worked powerfully in my life and  acknowledge some of the little miracles along the way. As psalm 66:16-17 says: 

"All you lovers of God who want to please him,
    come and listen, and I’ll tell you what he did for me.
 I cried aloud to him with all my heart and he answered me!
    Now my mouth overflows with the highest praise"

The five things I will be sharing over coming weeks is: 

1: Marriage before motherhood
2: Community brings courage
3: The Lord loves our lament
4: Flourishing in the wilderness
5: God is good…All the time! 


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