This week I have been thinking about the kingdom principle of being faithful in the little things. On Sunday I am teaching on this and while preparing to preach I like to sit and permeate on the topic and what it means for me. I often find too that before I teach on a topic, I have to practically learn about it for myself. Paul and I often remark on how God first teaches us the lesson before we teach it to others…I’ll save what happened when Paul taught on healing until another day!!!
Luke 16:10 says: "The one who faithfully manages the little he has been given will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities."
A couple of weeks ago I had an instance where God called me
to be faithful in something little and although it was only a ‘little; thing it
took great boldness. Let me tell you about my experience…
My phone contract was up for renewal and I had decided I
wanted to leave the provider I have been with for nearly 20 years and go with a
new one. However, as I tried to get a new deal, I hit a brick wall. You see years
ago (about 15 years) I got into a bit of a mess with my student overdraft and as
a result, my credit rating suffered. Even after all these years and a healthy bank
account, it meant I couldn’t get a new phone contract.
If I’m honest, it got me really down, and the enemy tried to
break in and tell me how worthless I am and that things would never change! Anyway,
after a couple of days looking at alternatives, and lets face it, moaning, Paul
told me to just give my current provider a ring and see what they could do.
Clearly God had wanted me to phone at that exact moment…
I phoned up the phone company and got a really friendly person
on the phone. The young man was really friendly and as he helped me, we got
chatting. In the course of the conversation the man told me how he was enjoying
going into the office and seeing people as he struggled to make friends and was
battling with depression.
As the man revealed this to me, I felt a nudge in my spirit to
tell him about God. It was a bubble that came up, that made me feel
uncomfortable, and I knew I had to do what I was being led to do…maybe you have
felt like that before? In that moment I had a choice to make, I could either be
faithful in the little thing that God was asking me to do, with great boldness,
or I could let the moment pass.
I decided to be bold in my faithfulness and to speak up. I
began to tell him that I had the answer to his desire for friendship and know
who could help him with his depression, and the answer was Jesus Christ. He
then revealed that he used to go to
church and had been feeling the call to return but was scared he might be rejected
by the church and the other people there. He also said he knew he needed to
pray but hadn’t done it recently. I was able to share with him the truth that
Church is a place for broken people just like him and assured him of my prayers.
I also encouraged him to pray to God by himself and take the step back to
I came off the phone absolutely buzzing and was so thankful
to God that he had used me to speak life into a man I have never met and probably
never will! I will never know what happened to him, although I hope I will meet
him selling mobile phones in heaven!! Just the knowledge that God had used is
reward enough for me, however, God promises promotion for our faithfulness…
About a week later I received a text message out of the blue
from my phone provider saying that my new chromebook will be on its way soon.
Initially I thought it was a scam, but having looked into it I realised that
the man I had spoken to on that day had given me a 20% discount every month,
waived charges for delivery and had got me a deal that includes a free, brand
new chromebook!!
How amazing is that for a blessing and reward for boldness!
I share this testimony with you today to encourage you to be faithful in the little things, in the nudging of the Holy Spirit and to be bold even in the little things. If you do…you wont be sorry!
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