Feasting on Joy

Recently I have been spending some time in Paul's letters to the church in Thessalonica. The letters are believed to be the oldest of Paul and they are so rich in truth and wisdom. As I was reading 1 Thessalonians in the passage translation, I came across a verse of 6 words that encouraged me, floored me and challenges me all at once! Chapter 5 v 16 says this:

Let Joy be your continual feast

These words encouraged me as it showed me that a supernatural Joy is possible for God's people. Joy is something spoken about throughout the scriptures. Nehemiah 8:10 declares that “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and we are told in Galatians that Joy is a fruit of the spirit. As christians we are called to be a people of Joy as Romans 14:17 says:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of rules about food and drink but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit filled with righteousness, peace and joy.”

Joy is kingdom business and feasting of Joy is something we should take the time to do. 

These words floored me as The letter was written by a man who was persecuted for his beliefs while in Thesselonica, to people who were also being persecuted for their beliefs. Joy can be an easy thing to feast on when things are going well but its not such an easy thing when you are facing persecution, grief or trials. However we see in the life of Paul joy WAS something he feasted on even in the worst of times. In Acts 16 we read how when he and Silas were imprisoned, they spent their time praising and worshipping God joyfully and soon after miracles followed. 

Recently a dear friend in America has been going through a really tough season as her husband fights cancer. This couple have not only faced the season with grace and dignity but have done so such Joy. They have praised, worshipped, declared, testified and feasted throughout it and it has been so awesome to watch. I have seen God moving in a powerful way and I know he isn’t finished yet. The joy of the Lord has truly been their strength

If we are called to continually feast on Joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength, surely we should cling to joy more during the trials?  

Those Six little words also really challenged me. They challenged me to consider if I continually feast on Joy in my own life. 

In times of struggle and pain, do I still continue to feast on joy or does my meal look more like disappointment? 

If people were to look at me would they see a life full of joy, would they see the evidence of praise and worship even in the tough times. Would it cause them to seek a walk of joy in their own life too. 

Today I would challenge you to consider you own life, is Joy your continual feast?


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