Revisiting the riverbank - Enough is enough

 It’s been a month since the Riverbank conference and if you were anything like me, God spoke to me about so much as the teaching was so rich. However, when I have had experiences like this, I like to take a look back after a while and see, when the rubber hits the road, when I go back to my everyday ordinary life, have I applied the teaching to my life and what has God continued to teach me of who he is. 

The month since the conference has been jam packed, and looking back over that time there is one thing from the conference that God has been reminding me of, day by day, sometimes even moment by moment and that is that ‘He is enough! As our verse for the conference says:  ‘God’s grace IS enough - It’s all you need’

God has spoken to me; 

When I have sat broken in grief…’I am enough’

When I have asked BIG questions…’I am enough’

When I can’t see him at work…’I am enough’

When I can’t get caught up in worry about the future…’I am enough’

When I’m exhausted…’I am enough’

When I feel like I simply can’t do it…’I am enough’

When I look at the church and see empty seats…’I am enough’

When I look at the world and see the enemy at work…’I am enough’ 

God’s enoughness covers all my lack, all my worry, all my brokeness, all my pain. 


God is not simply a God of enoughness…. He is a God of abundance, and over the last month I have seen and lived the second part of that verse that says: 

‘My strength comes into its own in your weakness.’ 

I have felt God’s strength at the very point I have felt weakest. God has strengthened me to do things that I never thought was possible, he has helped me step into things I never dreamed would happen and has helped me to support others in the midst of my own brokenness. 

There is so much freedom in knowing that God is enough and that our weakness can become his strength. It gives us strength to look to the future and the things that may seem too big, too hard, too scary and know that God is bigger, more powerful and so so good. 

Paul goes on to say in 2 Corinthians 9 that he will keep talking about his weaknesses as they show God’s strength. This is something I continue to learn and always brings me joy when I share what God is doing through my weak and feeble life! Since the riverbank conference, sharing how God has been at work in my life has become a renewed passion and I love to praise God’s name for who he is and what he has done. I am reminded of 

Psalm 28:1

“Yahweh is my strength and wraparound shield

When I fully trust in you, help is on the way.

I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise!

I will sing songs of what you mean to me!”

Today I challenge you to consider:

Where do you need to trust that God is enough? 

Where do you need to see God’s strength? 

Where do you need to share about what God has done for you?

A month on from since we met at the Riverbank, I have heard so many testimonies of what God spoke and did through the weekend. My continued prayer is that when we meet at the riverbank once more, we will have more stories to share of how we are changed people, strong in our weakness, simply because of God’s grace. 


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