Lessons from sea

 Recently we have returned home from a wonderful holiday taking our converted van to  Northumberland. We spent a glorious day on a beautiful beach 25 minutes from our campsite down picturesque country lanes and through the dunes, a workout pushing my daughter's special needs buggy!! It was worth it though as we saw the soft sand, the sparkling blue sea and the white froth of the breaking waves.

We set up for the day and I began one of my favourite tasks…people watching! As time passed, I noticed something fascinating, and God began revealing a challenging truth to me. I noticed the people at the water’s edge and began to see that they tended to fall into one of 6 groups of behaviour. 

The strollers - These people are on their way down the beach to a given destination and as they stroll (or even march,) they walk along with their feet in the water, or occasionally being touched by a wave. 

The toe dippers - These people simply only want to feel the water on their toes, they certainly don’t want to commit to going in.

The shallow dweller - These people enjoy staying in the shallows, content to enjoy the little waves. However, they get easily overwhelmed by the big waves when they come. 

The toy owners - These people take boats, or boards, or other toys with them thinking it might add to their enjoyment, help them or make them look cooler! While it may look fun, it seemed a lot of work and the bigger waves seemed to easily overwhelm them and capsize their toy, making them flail around in the water.

The ‘inchers’ - These people inch into the water, bit by bit, wincing everytime the cold water touches a new bit of flesh. Then they either make the decision to go all in or give up and return to the safety of a beach towel. 

The ‘All inners’ - These people just head straight to the deep and dive right in. I enjoyed watching one young man arrive on the beach, remove his shoes and within 30 seconds was all in, just a little head bobbing on the ocean!

As I sat and guessed which category my fellow beach goers might fall into, God began to challenge me about God’s living water.  As John 4:13-14

Jesus answered, “If you drink from Jacob’s well, you’ll be thirsty again, but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never be thirsty again. For when you drink the water I give you, it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, flooding you with endless life!

As I considered the living waters of God, flowing forth, I felt him asking me which one was I when it came to him and his living waters? Was I:

A stroller - Not really interested by the living waters, and distracted by reaching my destination, even if it was a worthy destination in and of itself. 

A toe dipper - Ok to dip my toes but not willing to commit to everything God has in store. 

A shallow diver - Enjoying the living water where it is safe, but becoming easily overwhelmed when the waves of life come 

A ‘toy’ owner - Enjoying the sea but needing an aid or prop to do it. The ‘toy’ may be an addiction, a sin, or even an unhealthy relationship that you carry with you. It may seem fun for a time, but when the waves of life come, you capsize and flail around. 

An ‘incher’ - Inching into the water bit by bit, reeling each time the Holy Spirit takes you deeper and you face a new challenge. As times you may be tempted to run back to the shore and what you once knew. 

All in - Ready to dive straight into what God has in store and be submerged by the living waters, not even looking back at what was left behind. 

As I contemplated the challenge, I was reminded of my nephew’s current favourite song,and one which as a Salvationist, I hold dear: ‘O boundless Salvation.’ One of the verses says: 

“The tide is now flowing, I’m touching the wave,
I hear the loud call of the mighty to save;
My faith’s growing bolder, delivered I’ll be, 
I plunge ‘neath the waters, they roll over me.”

I pray that I will always be ‘All-in’ when it comes to God.


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