Word of the year 2024

Throughout the years, as one year draws to a close and a new one is on the horizon, I have asked God to give me a word to take me through the next year. The words have always been prophetic and it has been fascinating to see how that year has been woven through circumstances and situations in my life. The words have always filled me with excitement, words such as Joy, Adore, Restore and Wait. This year, however, when I spent time with God asking him what word he had for me this year, when he revealed the word (or two!) to me  I didnt feel the usual bubble of excitement, and as I researched the word I came to understand why! 

The words that God gave me for 2024 were ‘Patient Endurance’ As I began to look at where these words appear together in the bible, I discovered that they always tend to appear when talking about trials, suffering and even the end of days! I must admit I did have a bit of an argument with God about it, telling him I didn’t want the words for the year 2024, but after night spent tossing and turning, unable to think about anything different, I relented! 

One of the tv programs Paul and I really enjoy watching is called survivor. A number of people are put on a dessert island and  battle it out to become the soul survivor. They vote people out every couple of days and can win immunity from the vote in a series of challenges. We recently watched the UK version and at the beginning of the series there was one woman who would drop out first of every challenge, it became a bit of a running joke between us that she had no endurance. She somehow managed to make it through towards the end and we began to see a switch in her behaviour. As the prize of £100,000 got closer we saw that her endurance increased. This was the same for all competitors, as endurance challenges went from lasting 40 minutes to 4 hours! The hope of a fortune was enough to enable the competitors to patiently endure the most difficult of challenges. 

When looking at the words of Patient endurance I was struck by how each of the bible verses actually have a foundation of hope. Romans 5:3-5 says:

“But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!

Hope is also found even with the verses about the times and seasons to come. Luke 21:19 in a passage about the signs of the end times we see the hope for the future. Jesus declares:

Stand firm with patient endurance and you will find your souls’ deliverance.”

The hope that we have is not the hope of 100,000 or the title of soul survivor, the hope we have goes far beyond it. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 talks about this hope and what, or who our hope is in. Interestingly looking at all the different translations, they tend to interchange between patience and endurance, so I will take the liberty to use the two words together:

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your patient endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As I look to the year ahead and the world around me I see so many things that are coming against those trying to live a life sold out for God. Christians values are eroded, the world is making it harder to speak up about the things that grieve God, and every day we live is a day closer to Jesus Christ’s return. I don’t know what things lie ahead for christ followers in this world and what I might need to be patiently endure. But there is one thing that I am sure of, is that my hope is in Jesus Christ. My prayer for you and I in the following year can be found in a line in one of my favourite songs that asserts the mercies God gives includes

‘Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow’

May it be true for you in 2024.


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