How my favourite clothing company taught me all about the abundance of God!

For the last few days I have been thinking about one of my favourite bible verses and one which I often claim for myself and that is John 10:10 that declares 

“A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”

I love this verse and there have been times in my life where I have seen my abundant God shower blessings upon me and do truly miraculous things. But, I have to be honest with you life isn’t always like that. Maybe it is for you and I am so thankful for your experience, but that’s not my experience! 

I have had a really rough couple weeks. As a minister Christmas is always so busy and this year even more so as I juggle long distance study with The Salvation Army’s officer training college. The time between Christmas and new year is usually a lovely time of rest, reset and seeking God for the year ahead, but that certainly hasn’t been the case this year! My husband has been really poorly since Christmas with a nasty virus which has meant I have been holding the fort solo and trying to nurse him back to health. My daughter has special needs and went in for an operation early in the new year. She had very little understanding of what was going on and it became quite a traumatic experience for her (and me!) She has not been well since and it has been a challenge with my non verbal daughter to work out what is wrong, where is the pain and how to comfort her. On top of these challenges is the day to day work of running a house, looking after two dogs, trying to catch up on work admin etc. It is safe to say my life certainly doesn’t feel abundant! 

However, God spoke to me about my abundant life in the sweetest of ways this week! 

Those of you who know me know that I am a little quirky, and that is often reflected in my clothes. A few years ago now I was introduced to a clothing brand that not only sells beautiful dresses but has a wonderful ethic and supportive community. It is called Popsy Clothing (you can check them out Here ) Since I have found Popsy I have not only filled my wardrobe with beautiful dresses (and jumpsuits, and bags, and trainers!!) but I have also found some brilliant friends! 

The other day as I was having a moan to God at my current lack of abundance in life, God began to speak to me about the best feature of Popsy clothing, and one thing that every woman longs for in a dress….Pockets! 

Every single one of Popsy’s dresses have pockets and they are such a game changer and a joy! You see an abundant life isn’t always grand miracles, overflowing blessings and financial prosperity, mostly it is a dress with pockets! It is those little moments of joy and wonder in a stressful day, it is a friend who checks in with you just when you needed it, it is your favourite cake on offer in the supermarket, it is the simple things that make life better that you just can’t describe! It is somewhere to put the snotty tissues of a child in along with your keys! It is the pockets of life!

We live in a world where image is everything, where we are encouraged to compare our lives with those picture perfect lives on social media, who’s life looks always incredibly abundant. The wonderful thing about Popsy pockets is that most of the time you cant tell they are there (unless they are full of conkers, dog biscuits and snacks!!) The abundance is there for you to see, feel and experience, until you get into conversation with others and declare ‘it has pockets!’ 

Today I encourage you to do two things. Firstly - Check out Popsy clothing as they are ace! But more importantly look for the pockets of God’s abundance in your life, no matter what season you are going through! 


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