Here comes the Sun


The last few days we have had the blessing of some glorious spring sunshine, and it has been amazing to see the difference that this has made. People seem happier, they seem to have a spring in their step and they are even friendlier! This morning as I walked my daughter to school in the sunshine, one of the regular dog walkers, who usually says hi and shuffles on their way, stopped and had a conversation with me about how glorious the sunshine was. This encounter got me thinking!

The sun has a profound effect on our bodies including

Sleep: Our body produces Melatonin which helps us sleep. Research suggests that sunshine helps us to regulate our natural body rhythms telling our bodies when to produce melatonin, so the more sunshine you get, the better you will sleep.

Stress: Melatonin also regulates our stress levels, so time spent in the sunshine, especially when engaging in physical activity can reduce your stress levels significantly.

Bones: The sunshine causes our bodies to produce vitamin D which helps us to produce calcium, giving us strong bones. Time spent in the sun keeps us strong!

Immunity: Vitamin D is also vital for our immune system which means regular exposure to the sun helps us to fight infection.

Mood: Sunshine boosts your body’s serotonin levels, which improves your mood and helps you stay calm and focused. Sunshine medically helps you feel happier!

We are medically healthier and happier when we spend time in the sun! 

One thing I have seen time and time again in my journey with God, is that nothing is a mistake with him, he creates all things with order that reflect who he is and the overarching truth of his love for us. This is true too when it comes to the sunshine. As the light of the sun affect us physically, the light of the sun affects us spiritually too.

After John the Baptist was born and presented at the temple, his father Zechariah prophesied this about Jesus:

“The splendour-light of heaven’s glorious sunrise is about to break upon us in holy visitation, all because the merciful heart of our God is so very tender. The word from heaven will come to us

with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow. And he will illuminate the path that leads to the way of peace.”


Jesus also declared in John 8:12.


 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


When we come into relationship with God, it is like the first sunny day after a long dark winter. As the sunshine has a profound effect on us physically the Sunlight of the son Jesus Christ has a profound effect on us spiritually.  2 Corinthians 4:6 puts it this way:


For God, who said,

“Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,” 

is the one who has cascaded his light into us—the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ.


So, as you enjoy the sun in the coming weeks and months, and feel your mood lift, I challenge you to consider how this natural principle is a reflection of the spiritual principle of the light of Jesus Christ.


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