
Love notes in nature

  I have recently returned from a beautiful holiday in Norfolk. The last year has been so busy with working, studying, caring for a child with special needs, recovering from surgery and much much more, so I was in desperate need of a rest! As we prepared to go away I clung on to two scriptures to help me focus.  Be still and know that I am God: Psalm 46: 10  “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” One of the things I love to do on holiday is read. Over the last year I have read so many books, some of them taxing, some of them long and some of them pretty dry, so I decided that this holiday I was going to read something a little different and so I went armed with the chronicles of

The Whisper of God in the big moments: Commissioning Weekend

  Last weekend was a big weekend in my life and ministry. After studying at The Salvation Army’s William Booth training college for a year as a distance learning Territorial Envoy Cadet, I was commissioned and ordained as a minister with the rank of Lieutenant. On Sunday 14th July at The Salvation Army’s together 21 congress, I, along with 12 others who were in the ‘Defenders of Justice’ session were prayed over, affirmed, commissioned and sent out to spread the gospel. This day was a culmination of a time of preparation which included a retreat day, covenant day, reflections, learning the 11 doctrines of The Salvation Army and lots of rehearsals! The Sunday before we were commissioned, we went on a beautiful retreat day at The Royal foundation of St. Katherine, and at the end of the day we shared some of the things God had been speaking to us about. One of the cadets shared some verses from 1 Kings 19:11-12 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord

Still I will praise

  Just over a month ago I attended an amazing women’s conference for women in The Salvation Army called Riverbank. It was a beautiful weekend of teaching, challenge, fun and friendship and there were so many highlights. Throughout the weekend there were a number of thread that God wove within it. It wove through the speakers and the worship, and was incredibly powerful.  One of these threads was the truth that we can still praise God in the midst of the darkest times. From the frist evening we heard testimony of how people were able to praise God in the midst of trauma and difficulty. This ran through the entire weekend with person after person talking about praising God in the difficult places and finding comfort, power and joy through it all. Each person declared "Still I will praise!"  One of the most powerful moments of the entire conference was on the Saturday morning when our amazing and anointed worship leader sang one of her songs. The song, ‘Still I will praise’ talk

Nobody told her she couldn't!

It has been a while since I came back from the riverbank conference, a fantastic weekend for women of The Salvation Army, but I am still processing the truth that I heard and how I can apply it to my life as a minister in Macclesfield. One of my highlights (although there were lots of highlights) was the teaching of Dr Helen Paynter. In her second teaching session she focused on some of the women in the early church who are mentioned in the bible. She took us on a fascinating journey back through time to explore each of  these powerful women who were used by God and how they did great things because  ‘Nobody told her she couldn’t’ We were reminded that Pentecost included women, that the book of acts included many women who helped grow the church and that beyond the bible there were many extraordinary women who were used by God in a mighty way. Helen also challenged us to consider that the church today should include women, and as women of God in The Salvation Army,  that includes us. 

Entertaining Angels

  This last week has been an interesting week in ministry and it has been a real challenge to juggle our mission of helping the needy in our community, especially the homeless.   Jesus says in Matthew 25:35-36: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” The salvation army has always encouraged its people to look after and minister to the people who are often forgotten in society. Its founder William Booth felt passionately about caring for peoples physical needs as well as its practical needs. He once said: ‘What is the use of preaching the Gospel to men whose whole attention is concentrated upon a mad, desperate struggle to keep themselves alive?’ However, as is often the case when we are doing God’s work, the enemy doesn’t like it. Unsurprisingly, as we started a preachin