The agony of Terror

I woke up this morning to the news of the terror attack in Nice in France with a very heavy heart. As I lay pondering the situation, I considered the recent stirring in my spirit about the things I see happening. You see, the attack in France was horrendous and with it comes the awakening of anger and sorrow


What about the other places where terroist attacks have happened? Not just to our Western ‘Friends’ but the absolute fear and devestation around the whole world. In those countries we may never even visit. Those incidents that the news doesn’t even bother to report!

A very quick google search brought a worrying result…
Sources told me that so far this MONTH, not including the recent terrorist attack in France. There have been nearly 80 ‘terrorist attacks’ in our world. (I’m not getting into the whole what is terrorism discussion, but you get the picture!)

As I scrolled through this list that represents hundreds of lives and families, I was horrified to see many of them I had never heard of.

This morning, on facebook, many people have changed their profile to show solidarity with France. As I considered this, I was reminded of a Christmas I used to sing in the singing company (Children’s choir) The words say:

“Remember the children of the world, each one is precious , precious in his sight!”

Today I will not change my photo, but I will remember. I will remember every child of God (and that is ALL of us) that have lost their lives in acts of terror.

We live in a broken world. We all groan in agony at the things we see happening. As Romans 8:22-23 says:

“For we know that all creation groans in unison with birthing pains up until now. And there is more; it’s not just creation—all of us are groaning together too. Though we have already tasted the firstfruits of the Spirit, we are longing for the total redemption of our bodies that comes when our adoption as children of God is complete

This morning, my prayer is this song and this plea…”Come into our world Lord Jesus”


  1. Thank you Alice for your message. The response song 'come into our world' is awesome and comforting in a time of worldwide disillusionment and chaos. God is our rock and peace. Shalom


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