Busy being busy

It has been awhile since I have last posted a blog. This has been for many reasons, work has been busy, family life has been busy and I, a lover of routine, have found it difficult to get into the routine to sit down and write. 

Ministry is fabulous. At times it can be lonely, exhausting and demanding, but God is moving in The Salvation Army (can I get an amen?!) and he is certainly moving in The Salvation Army in Mold. We are seeing lives transformed, commitments made, prayers being answered and dreams being dreamed.  We are hearing testimony of God drawing people deeper and we are seeing new members Literally being drawn off the street. 
When God moves in a mighty way, the devil gets angry, and we have had our fair share of attacks; our brand new boiler has broken for the second time in three weeks and conflict has sprung up in unlikely places. But the most subtle way in which I have seen the devil attempt to work is by making people busy believing they can achieve in their own strength. This is something I have had to bring myself up short about recently. 

Over the past 6 months I have been slowly studying a book about prayer called ‘Fervent’ by Priscilla Shirer and it has reminded me that the devil will try and make us inactive by making us so buy, busy doing Gods work, but doing it on our own. 
Image result for priscilla shirer fervent
So, in recent weeks I have been intentionally coming before God and asking for his strength in my my weakness, and what a difference it makes! This week, with a retreat and some days of holiday with my husband, I am looking forward to once again putting Christ at the centre, going deeper in his love, and seeing the dreams in my heart become reality.

This song has been on my heart, maybe it will speak to someone today. 


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