Nobody told her she couldn't!

It has been a while since I came back from the riverbank conference, a fantastic weekend for women of The Salvation Army, but I am still processing the truth that I heard and how I can apply it to my life as a minister in Macclesfield.

One of my highlights (although there were lots of highlights) was the teaching of Dr Helen Paynter. In her second teaching session she focused on some of the women in the early church who are mentioned in the bible. She took us on a fascinating journey back through time to explore each of  these powerful women who were used by God and how they did great things because 

‘Nobody told her she couldn’t’

We were reminded that Pentecost included women, that the book of acts included many women who helped grow the church and that beyond the bible there were many extraordinary women who were used by God in a mighty way. Helen also challenged us to consider that the church today should include women, and as women of God in The Salvation Army,  that includes us. 

As Dr Helen Paynter spoke, I felt that nudge of the Holy spirit that God is calling many women today to step up and take their place in The Salvation Army. We are so blessed to be a part of a church that acknowledges the differences between men and women and the richness that embracing both of them brings to the church of God. Each of us has a part to play in the rich tapestry of the church and God is calling his women to rise up and make a difference like the women we were told about. 

Throughout the weekend I had the privilege to talk to many women who were feeling called to explore leadership whether that be in the local corps, through officership, envoyship, as a pioneering leader, or in their own sphere of influence. It was humbling to hear how they were being used and what God had planted in their heart, and I knew that out of the women that were there at the conference there were more being nudged to follow his call on their life. 

In the weeks since the Riverbank conference I have been praying for the women who took hold of the truth that women throughout history have been called to do powerful things in the church because ‘nobody told her she can’t’ and that we each have a part to play. 

Recently, after thinking on this, I was scrolling through facebook and the lovely Kim McLaughlin shared an amazing resource from ‘Sarah Beth Art’ as she explored through words and pictures the stories of some of the women in the bible and how that impacts us as women in the church today. (You can have a look at her amazing work Here ) As I was reading her work I was struck by something she said:

“We need the voices of women to be part of conversations that impact the direction of our churches, governments, schools, companies and organisations. God gave men and women unique characteristics that together reflect His beautiful and complex character. When we both come together, our vision of God’s kingdom broadens and deepens. When women’s voices are heard and valued, the body of Christ and society as a whole thrives.”

Today I want to remind you of something that Dr Helen Paynter said. “You are a gift to the church” and there is no better time to stand up and become who God created you to be.


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