Standing where Jesus Stood

At Capernaum, our next stop, we saw some of the ruins of the town Jesus did much of his ministry in. We sat in the shade and read from Mark 1. Sat in front of the ruins of the Synagogue, we read how Jesus healed people, cast out demons and ministered to them in that very place.


Later as I stood in the synagogue I could sense his power and authority in that very place.

In a church over the top of a house it is believed Jesus resided in, I saw a young man on his knees before Jesus and I just had to sit and pray and thank God for his son.

We then went to Bethsaida, a small, quiet and pretty non-descript ruin. As we sat listening to the chorus of the crickets, Eric reminded us that God uses ordinary people for extraordinary things. Peter, Andrew and Philip came from here and God turned their lives upside down. As I considered how God will transform nobodies into somebodies, I thought of the ministry God is using me in. I thank God that he sees beauty in my ashes and somebody in my nobody.

After lunch we visited Yardinet, by the river Jordan where it is believed Jesus was baptised by John. It was astounding! As we walked through, we heard and saw a group of Africans being baptised. As the children played in the shadows, person after person came forward to be baptised. The singing was heavenly and the joy was so infectious and Paul and I wanted to go and join in their celebration.

Whilst we were there we saw Americans, Indians and Dutch people to name just a few, worshiping God and being baptised in the river.

As I dipped my toes in the cool water of the river I was overwhelmed by the love, joy and peace that Jesus brings. 


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