Back to School


This Summer has been marvellous

We’ve really had some fun,

We’ve explored, adventured, laughed and played 

In rain, and wind, and sun.

But now comes a different season,

And I can feel that sense of worry.

For school is starting once again,

And life will soon become a hurry!

You will be back with your teachers

Who make you laugh and grin,

And teach you to be confident and strong

And celebrate each little win.

You’ll be back with your friends and classmates

With whom you learn and play,

You’ll be learning all about life and the world

In a fun and creative way. 

And when the house is once more silent,

And your not always asking for  food,

I’ll sit and reflect on our summer together

And remember the hard and the good!

I will miss your lively company,

And our days full of cake and ice cream

The memories contained in photographs

And that giggle and that beautiful beam! 

But I will also embrace the quiet

And a whole biscuit and hot cup of tea

And the fact I can sit for 5 minutes peace

Without you coming over and bouncing on my knee! 

And I will look forward to the next holiday 

And all the adventures and fun that’s in store,

And the weekends and the other times together

Which will be family time once more.

So for now enjoy your school days 

And all the experiences it brings

And we will soon enjoy our times together

As we play and dance and sing


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