Holy Interruptions

 One day this week, after taking my daughter to school in the morning, I decided to take advantage of being alone by listening to my Lectio 365 app. In preparation for my studies I have been reading a lot about spiritual formation and spiritual disciplines and so have been trying different spiritual disciplines, including lectio devino.

As I walked along, I attempted to focus wholly on my time with God. However, as I walked along I spotted a woman walking towards me who I knew was struggling. I became distracted and paused my phone to chat and encourage her as she went about her day. 

I returned to the app and was a little annoyed with myself for ‘ruining my spiritual flow.’ A few moments later, as I got back into the rhythm, I notices another woman coming towards me, a mum from the school gate who I knew was in a tough season. So I paused the app once again to invite her to come and have a cuppa with some of the other mums before pick up.

I once again returned to the app, feeling somewhat of a spiritual failure until I was stopped in my track by the words of the devotional I was listening to:

“Think of a group of people I want to share the gospel with, maybe my family, my friends, my work or classmates, or maybe the staff at my favourite cafe.

Holy spirit, use my prayers to open a door into this situation. Would you give me the opportunity to share the mystery of what Jesus has done for them”


Recently as a church we have thought about Sharing God in our daily life interruptions and I have also been meditating on one of my favourite verses of scripture: Romans 2:1

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life and place it before God as an offering.”

This encounter was a powerful reminder that we must be willing to have holy interruptions in our day if we are to fulfil God’s command to go and make disciples. These holy interruptions may not be great life-shifting moments but they can open the door for us to share the good news. 

The challenge for me and for you is to look for the Holy interruptions as they come and embrace them.


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