Tales from the riverbank - God's Great Compassion
I have just returned from the most amazing weekend at the Riverbank conference, with women connected to The Salvation Army from all over the country. God’s presence was tangible, the worship was powerful and the teaching was Holy Spirit inspired. This is the second post in a series of what God spoke to me while I was there (You can find my first post here: Tales From the Riverbank: Singing at Midnight ) If you were there too I would love to hear what God revealed to you, I would love to include you on a guest blog post! If you weren't there I pray that a little of the riverbank will flow into your heart and you might just sign up to join us next year!
On the Saturday morning of the riverbank conference we listened to Commissioner Debbie Horwood as she brought us truths about God’s great compassion, and there was something she said that completely and utterly floored me! She spoke about how she has been doing a deep dive on the word used for compassion in the Old Testament - the word Rakhum. One of the words that comes from it and is used at times for compassion is the word Rekhem and is used when talking about the womb and the longing of a mother for her child.
Debbie talked about how the great longing that a woman has as she is waiting for her child, and the great love that is felt when that longing is fulfilled, is the same as the longing and compassion Jesus has to be in union with us and the great love he feels when we come to him
I have been walking through infertility for many years and have felt that deep deep longing to have a child. When I adopted my daughter I had a glimpse of the joy and love of a promise fulfilled. As I sat in this truth and began to consider the implications, I was reminded of one of my favourite stories, the story of Hannah. She longed for a baby for many years and her longing caused her to come to God in sheer desperation at the temple. It wasn’t pretty, but she didn’t care, she was in so much despair, coming to God was the only thing on her mind. God heard Hannah’s prayer and we read that she gave birth to Samuel and she prays a beautiful prayer that hints to the love she has for her son, due to God’s faithfulness.
I’m bursting with God-news!
I’m walking on air.
I’m laughing at my rivals.
I’m dancing my salvation.
That afternoon, as I was having a wander around the marketplace I noticed the most beautiful picture on display on the Harlequin Arts stall. (Their work is amazing and you can check it out HERE) It was called the Gift and depicted the story of….you guessed it Hannah and Samuel. I couldn't take my eyes off it! It shows two arms, representing Hannah and God and in the middle the Baby Samuel in his mother’s womb. I considered the longings of both arms. Of Hannah for a child and of God for his child, for each of us, his arms stretched wide in loving compassion.
When we truly grasp this idea of God’s compassion and longing it has a profound impact on how we read Verses like Psalm 116:4 -
The Lord is gracious and righteous;
our God is full of compassion.
The journey through infertility has been a difficult one, but I have seen God move and work in powerful ways. I have the joy of community in the support group I run for other women like me, (if you need support too, have a look Here )I have a best friend in Jesus who I have clung to (sometimes so very desperately) in the midst of grief and despair and now I realise I have a very real and raw glimpse of a compassionate God who’s love is so powerful, that helps me to understand anew that famous verse:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Throughout the riverbank conference we sang one of my current favourite songs called Gratitude by Brandon Lake (You can listen to the song HERE .) With all this in mind and with that beautiful picture etched on my heart, the song became so much more powerful, and my response became so much more heartfelt:
I've got one response
I've got just one move
With my arm stretched wide
I will worship You
So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah
And I know it's not much
But I've nothing else fit for a King
Except for a heart singing hallelujah
Today, know that you are loved with a love so deep and passionate. You are truly loved
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