Tales from the riverbank - The youness of you!

Recently I attended most amazing weekend at the Riverbank conference, with women connected to The Salvation Army from all over the country. God’s presence was tangible, the worship was powerful and the teaching was Holy Spirit inspired. This is the fourth post in a series of what God spoke to me about while I was there (You can find other posts on this blog! ) If you were there too I would love to hear what God revealed to you. If you weren't there I pray that a little of the riverbank will flow into your heart and you might just sign up to join us next year!

 In the world today we often hear people say ‘be you’ they declare the ‘be the you,you want to be’ or ‘do whatever is good for you’ and that makes me feel uncomfortable. Where is God is that. In the past when we I did what I felt like and followed my own plans it led me to a place that was so very far away from God. However on the Sunday Morning at the conference, Rachel Turner spoke about the 'youness of you' and I loved it! It spoke into other things God has laid on my heart throughout the weekend and helped me frame being the you GOD wants you to be.

Rachel shared about the early Church in the book of acts and how God used them in ordinary situations to do extraordinary things. God used their own personalities, skills and abilities that he had given them and they were used to bring him glory and to grow the church. 

We live in world that likes to compare. Social media shows us people’s perfect lives and especially as women we can get caught up in comparing ourselves with others and wondering if we should be more like them. We can get caught up in the thinking that if we were more loud/quiet/confident/busy/peaceful/successful (insert whichever word speaks to you!) God would love us and use us more. But Rachel Turner, and indeed Tolla Doll Fischer explained that you are enough if you have the Holy spirit and are willing to be interrupted. 

Recently I was talking on the phone to a dear friend. The day had been so busy and I was exhausted feeling depleted and insecure in my ability to do the task that God had given me to do. As we began chatting she started sharing something with me, then promptly apologised for oversharing and said that she was working on this part of her personality. Now one of the things I love most about this Gorgeous woman of God is the fact that she is so honest and open and will gladly share what God is doing in her life. Her openness was something that began our beautiful friendship  and has encouraged me so many times when I have needed it. As we continued to speak we talked about how God makes us who we are and when we use our personality, skills and talents for his glory, he can make it into something powerful for the kingdom. As we spoke I was reminded of the beautiful verse in Ephesians 2:10 that explains: 

We have become his poetry,  a re-created people that will fulfil the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works  we would do to fulfil it!

Lisa Harper once shared a powerful story. She is an amazing and incredibly knowledgeable bible teacher who engages and teaches with the use of humour and storytelling. She tells of how a lady once criticised her and told her she couldn’t teach the bible properly because she told too many stories. Lisa then spent a long time trying to be different and trying to teach the bible without the stories and humour and she was unhappy! She could also see that people were unable to engage with what she was saying. She realised that God had made her a storyteller with a good sense of humour and he could use it to extend his kingdom. I love this story as I have learned so much from her through the years and God has used her to deepen my knowledge and love of  Christ. 

When we give our life to Christ and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, God will take the things that make you you. Your gifts, talents, personality, quirks, your struggles, your victories, and will use it to bring him Glory and extend his kingdom. As Rachel Turner reminded us, Your job is to be willing and God’s job is to be God. Do you sing? Sing for Jesus. Do you write? Write for Jesus. Do you care? Care for Jesus. Do you bake? Bake for Jesus. Do you share? Share about Jesus. Are you creative? Be creative for Jesus! 

John 5:19 says 

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

We too need to look to God and his word as our compass and guide, following him while using the gifts and skills he created you with. So never forget: The youness of you is enough


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